•  Working Hours - Mon - Fri: 9:30 - 18:30

What We Do

WMRAD set apart as team of specialists capable of conducting clinical trials with some of the most advanced protocols and experimental medicines available.  With a multi-specialty approach, WMRAD combines financial services, regulatory affairs, investigator responsibilities, subject recruitment and retention expertise with site management so that sponsors, CROs receive excellent research services with maximum  effectiveness and the best chance for positive outcomes.


Our goal is to bring the worlds latest and most advanced medicines to healthcare institutions and physicians that offer new and improved options for patients.

The technical capabilities WMRAD brings to our center allows us to focus on patient care as we provide services and results to our colleagues within the pharmaceutical industry.

— Dr. Laurent Gressot, Millennium Physicians Association


WMRAD history is filled with stories of investigators, scientists and others who observed a problem and worked to solve it. The results of their accomplishments have been presented at professional meetings, documented in scientific journals and poster presentations and reported by the media.
